Monday, June 25, 2012

Element Tampa Update

Took a break from June 20-25 to do a McDonalds location using bricks from a particular order, mainly to clean that lot off and turn it into something. With the McD's complete (I want to show pics at a certain time!), I returned to Element with a fresher mind!

The Concrete behemoth is continuing to develop. With some red elements sorted I got motivated to work the structurals first to take the slack off of a well-filled up container. I want to get Red pieces into ONE small Sterilite bin (8.5x11x2") so that would push the rest of the "Reds" into service or for sale. Now the South side is finally shaping up and some of the integral elements are finally being clamped to form a super supporting backbone.

Robin of the GFLUG also began to do the Skypoint tower. His model is lookin' sleek and is suited for the 1x2 city block. Oh wait, I said 1x2. Why is this 2x2? I feel it will toll the look of the model to tighten the long section to the 1x2 space. There is a solution that can integrate this item into the city beautifully that I can impose:

The big 2x2 section is obviously Element...
The left 24 studs can be 2 lanes (8 studs each) of Tampa St. 4 left and 3 right can be the sidewalk.
The gray section can be Franklin. (2 lanes, 6 studs each) The road takes a turn in real life so it may work in for the road to be quite off. 4 Stud sidewalk that narrows closer to Polk (imaginary line down south) can let the road slightly inch to its aligned self.
The right section can be the old time buildings, some of which I can try to construct. There's this old theater and this other building that appear easy.

When will this be completed?
Yes, I know Robin got about 2/5 of Skypoint done in one Sunday afternoon. I am digging through all my gray elements trying to construct the garage section and should expect to run out clean of it. I may be taking to a couple of cases of elements from the ORLANDO LEGO Store, such as Gray 2x4 and Clear 1x2 brick. I anticipate two trips to Central Florida to three, one on my own terms while the other two are strictly Train Trips. The cup purchased on May 27 from the Sunrise store has almost been depleted save for a few clear 1x2 plates and the Medium Blue bricks (windows), as expected. I expect to have the garage section completed by August 1st. The second section which may put me 2/3 way to the top will probably be finished around January 1st and the building should be topped off, LEGO Style, by March 25, 2013.

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