Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LEGO BRBP: Modular Buildings FTW

In a course of five or so working days Anthony V. (co-founder of the extinct and phased YLEF) and I have nabbed out the three new modular buildings. Interestingly I noticed Mr. Berard changing the style of several connections, opting for a new 1x4 with 2 stud plate instead of putting all-tile and then plates below the baseplates of the upper floors. Bravo on the method, especially as seen in the 10218.

But for me, this 2-week exhibition is really enough for a modular building, before I want to kitbash one. Maybe I suppose that is why when I own my own copy of any of these, I'll skip building it. Not worth my time when it was experienced before. :) I'm more of a creative builder. I want to build my own town and my own buildings, not adopt a bunch of sets and having a layout that looks like any other.

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